Sandie A. Norman Ministries

Join a big family of monthly givers who are doing what they can every day. Together, we will help share Christ and love people around the world.

Partnership means being a part of something larger than yourself. You see, together we can accomplish more. Together we can face the very apparent needs of the world around us…and do something about it.

When you become a part of the Sandie A. Norman Ministries family, your monthly, ongoing gift will reach millions with the love of Christ. You will be changing lives!

What will my Partnership do?

Share the Gospel
with millions of people worldwide through conferences, television, books and social media.
Meet practical needs
by answering people’s greatest needs, we are sharing the love of Christ and opening the door to the Gospel.
Help women and girls
through our Project GRL initiative, helping women around the world understand their value in Christ.

As a partner, you become the hands and feet of Christ enabling everything Sandie A Norman Ministries does. We invite you to join our family—an army of wonderful, determined, and loving people working to share Christ and help people all around the world!

Here’s what your partnership does...

  • Sharing God’s Word Through Sandie’s practical and personal teachings, we are sharing the truth of the Bible through conferences, television, studies, articles, videos, social media and online.

  • Disaster Relief Helping people in the wake of disasters—whether it’s a hurricane, fire, tornado, earthquake or a worldwide pandemic—by supplying food, vital necessities, spiritual support and assistance with rebuilding efforts.

  • Medical and Dental Care Providing free medical care for those without access to a doctor through our hospitals, clinics, and short-term outreaches.

  • Feeding Programs Serving over 20 million meals each year at hundreds of feeding sites worldwide, providing valuable nutrition and sharing the message of God’s love.

  • Book Distribution Sandie’s books are translated into a combined 150 languages and distributed worldwide, reaching many locations where Christian resources are not readily available.

  • Anti-Human Trafficking Rescuing and restoring women and girls from unthinkable circumstances, providing them with safe places where they can receive vital counseling, nutritious meals, an education, and know they are loved and valued by God.

  • Clean Water Installing water wells in remote areas where families have no access to clean water. In many locations, we also build an adjacent church, sharing the Living Water of the Gospel.

  • Education Providing valuable education, along with daily meals, for children in poor or remote areas who would otherwise be unable to attend school.
Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes